Lilly Jeans values our customers and respects your privacy. We collect information about you through our website in an effort to improve your shopping experience, as well as communicate with you about our products, services and promotions. We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties. As described in this policy, we may under certain circumstances share your information among third parties that provide services on our behalf or with whom we have partnered to offer a particular product or service.

This privacy policy applies only to information collected online by and describes the personal information we collect about you, why we collect it, how we use it and when we share it with third parties. If our information practices change, we will post an updated policy on our website.

What kind of information does Lilly Jeans collect?

We may collect personal information about you, such as your name, email address, postal address, phone number, gender, birthday etc., when you visit our website, register with our website, place an online order, save your information with us online, contact us with a question or concern, or participate in a promotion.

How does Lilly Jeans use my information?

We may use your personal information in the following ways:

  • To process and fulfill your order, including to send you emails to confirm your order status and shipment
  • To communicate with you and to send you information by email, postal mail or other means about our products, services and promotions, unless you have directed us not to contact you with promotional communications
  • To administer and fulfill our promotions
  • To help us learn more about your shopping preferences
  • To help us address problems with and improve our site design, products and services
  • To enhance your shopping experience
  • To analyse trends and statistics
  • To protect the security or integrity of our website and our business
  • To contact you if necessary

Does Lilly Jeans share my information?

We may share your personal information in the following ways:

With our service providers who manage our customer information and perform services on our behalf, such as fulfilling promotions, sending communications to our customers etc. We do not authorise these service providers to make any other use or disclosure of your information

When we team up with another company to offer or provide products, services or promotions to our customers. To conform to legal requirements (including, but not limited to, requirements in accordance with any applicable law, regulation or government request) or comply with legal process, or to help maintain the law. To protect our rights or property or those of our related companies. To enforce our terms and conditions. To act in the interest of our, or our related companies, customers or others.